Since the founding of our firm in 1981, Briney Foret Corry has earned an exceptional reputation for professional, principled service.
Our unwavering dedication to quality, trust, and respect are the foundation for the many long-standing relationships we have built with clients in business, industry, government, as well as individuals throughout the region.
At Briney Foret Corry, our lawyers are experienced, successful litigators and negotiators who possess high academic credentials, maintain strong community ties, and are committed to the pursuit of excellence. We pride ourselves on being effective communicators who demonstrate the strictest personal and professional ethics as well as the utmost concern for our clients.
Who We Represent
We are committed to the service of business, industry, government, and individuals throughout the region.

Meet our Attorneys
Our firm partners have over 110 years of combined legal experience and collaborate to achieve the best possible results for their clients.